Kristina Peterson

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Kristina Peterson

I was asked to write a short Bio on who I am. And to be honest I didn't want to. I have been through many things in my life that has made me who I am today. I have made it through Trauma, mental health problems and addiction. I have survived being homeless and losing my kids. I could tell my story about how I got here but I'd rather talk about what I have now.

I came to the Tacoma Recovery Cafe/ Center specifically to get the courts off my back. At the same time I was fighting to get my kids back. When I least expected It, the staff at the Cafe saw something I couldn't see. So they put me in Recovery coach Training on scholarship. At that moment my life changed. I was doing something I found passion in. No longer was I doing meaningless work. When getting up and going to work no longer feels like work and the work day isn't long enough, Life changes and has meaning like I never knew it could. I work a program of recovery and I absolutely love helping people come out of the dark and into this life fighting, To not only survive but to finally live. So when I'm asked to write who I am, I simply can only say that I am Kristina and I have come through hell to meet you and help you out of the dark, remind you to just keep going. Give ourselves a chance at living today. Your next chapter is waiting for you.

My name is Kristina. A woman in recovery

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